Monday, October 31, 2011

A Spooky Halloween Lunch!

Halloween is finally here and my boys could not be happier! Today will be a fun filled day with field trips, Halloween parties and then trick-or-treating tonight. Here are a few images of what will be on our menu today.
Hot dog mummies for their main course!

Ghost Banana for their fruit!
Ours will just be a plain banana with chocolate chips for eyes.

Mozzarella fingers for their protein.

Donut hole eyeballs for breakfast/dessert.
 I did not dip the doughnuts in white chocolate, I just used white powdered sugar donuts and added the gel and candy eyeballs by Wilton.
All images are from Family Fun
Spiderweb pizza for dinner.
Jack plans on being an Ewok!

Luke is very pleased with his Ninja costume.
He has already worn it several times in the house.

Have a safe and Happy Halloween!!