Thursday, February 2, 2012


One of my favorite books I used to read to the boys in the winter was Snowmen at Night! It is full of hidden pictures on just about every page and really get's the kids imagination running wild.

Can you find the bunny rabbit?

As I was thinking of that book this past weekend it became the inspiration for this sandwich. I made peanut butter and fluff for Luke and Salami, cheese and pickle for Jack. On Jack's sandwich I used black olives for the eyes and mouth instead of the chocolate chips.

We have a three day weekend coming up so the boys are excited to make these cookies. They looked a bit easier for us to do than the one's below.

The original "mr. melty" looked like this and the inventor was none other than the decorated cookie.

Looking forward to a much needed long weekend and a little baking with my kiddos.