Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

This past week our house has been a whirlwind of activity trying to get ready for Easter!
The kits were purchased.

Eggs were dyed.

Easter Baskets were brought out.
I received the Easter basket on the left for my baby shower when I was pregnant with Jack. It was one of the best and most memorable gifts I received. I love that they are hand painted and each have a personality of their own.

Luke really likes his brown bunny! I think he is my favorite too.

We made these cupcakes for our Easter celebration on Saturday.

The kids really enjoyed getting in on the icing and decorating.
I transported them in our muffin tin to the party but Bakerella has a really cute way to package them.

 Finally, the Easter Bunny arrived!
We get a lot of morning sun and Luke's melted rabbit is proof of that.
 He now has a great new home in our refrigerator!
These two items were big hits in the boys Easter baskets this year. As a family we are huge Harry Potter fans. One note: most of these jelly beans end up being spit out but the kids really did like the adventure of tasting them. Can you believe they have soap and earwax jelly beans??

Happy Easter!

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