Thursday, May 26, 2011

Funny things!

Everyday my children do funny things that make me smile. Someday when they are big it's the little things I will miss. So  I capture those moments when I can. I thought I would share a few with you!

My youngest son loves rocks! He made this rock collection on the bumper of our van one day. I am not sure how long I drove around with them there but I came out of the grocery store one day and saw them. It definitely brought a smile to my face.

After putting my oldest son on the bus one morning I came down to see this alien attached to his breakfast plate. A little reminder of how much I miss him while he is at school.

My oldest son was making this?

And then there are the many inukshuks we have on the beach or on our break wall. Do you see a rock theme here? Have a great day.