Monday, June 27, 2011

A Lovely Shower!

This weekend I attended a Bridal shower for someone very special.

 The decorations were perfect.

 The dips were yummy.
The guest of honor loves dip!

Do you see the taco dish on the right? It was really delicious and really gone by the end of the party!

If you weren't already full from eating the appetizers, there was also a main course.
The green bowl held gazpacho. Loved it! Can't wait to make it!

Have you ever played this game....guess the age of the bride?

Whoever got the most right took home one of these lovely candles. 

No party is complete without dessert.

I saved the best for last, the beautiful bride-to-be!
My niece.
\I can't tell you how great it is to be her Aunt. We are so happy for she and her fiance to be starting a new journey together.

Aunt Jen