Monday, June 20, 2011

Meet Our Work Dogs!

One of the perks of being a small business owner is that my husband is able to bring one of our dogs to work everyday. Two dogs at the office, as we have discovered, is a bit much. There are a lot of allergies in our family so Miniature Shnauzer dogs suit us nicely. Almost twelve years ago Gunther was a gift from my husband's Grandmother and Rocky was added 1 1/2 years ago.

Gunther in my husband's Christmas window!

Just chillin at home.
Notice his bat like ears? Not typical for a Schnauzer unless you have them clipped (which we didn't). If you look at Rocky's ears they are floppy. That is more typical.

Rocky is a super sweet dog!

He loves to chew on sticks in the yard.

Here he is grabbing some shade during the 90 degree weather we were having.

Our dogs have a pretty good life because they spend very little time alone. I don't know what will happen when I go back to work in the Fall after seven wonderful years at home. We shall see........

Have a great day!