Monday, July 25, 2011

You Can Do It!

Last week our family headed to this town for some relaxation and racing!

My hubby and his friends would cover 140. 6 miles in 17 hours or less!

But first the vacation part.

  Anywhere you look there are just breathtaking views of the mountains. 46 peaks to climb in all.

The boys loved the beach and made both small sand castles.....

and large. Dad helped too!

These paddle boards looked like so much fun! I definitely want to try this on our next trip.

No visit is complete without a walk down Main Street.

We couldn't resist a little taste testing at the candy store.

And now for the racing....

First a 2.4 mile swim...

next a 112 mile bike...Go Ray, Go!

and last....a 26.2 mile run!

Finally.....the finish!
We are so proud of you honey.

Thank you to my mom and dad who watched the kid's for us the weekend of the race!


  1. Congratulations Chris!!

    Christina, Bill, Chloe and Caitlyn

  2. I hope you rewarded your hubby with somee peanut butter cups when he was done!
