Monday, August 8, 2011

Parties, Parties and more Parties!

This weekend was full of wedding celebrations and goodbye parties! Saturday night my hubby and I attended a wedding reception for a lovely couple who had gotten married the previous week in Cape Cod. The reception was then held here at our local winery. The party was a little more casual so I wore this max and cleo dress.

It was love at first sight...

  these sandals from Target worked perfectly with the couples 
 starfish theme.

Just a quick shot before we left for the reception. We were running a little behind schedule!
On Sunday the bride's parent's hosted a BBQ at their lovely home. They live just down from us so it made for a nice short walk with the boys. 
 Jack and Luke enjoyed their creek walk at the going away party and then my day ended with a 13 mile bike ride!!! Whew! It was a good weekend but a very busy one.
