Thursday, July 5, 2012

A Fourth of July Birthday Boy!

This year we reduced our guest list so Jack could invite 4 of his closest friends to share in the Ring of Fire party  and help celebrate his 8th Birthday. We also had our very first sleepover at our house!
I always love having fresh flowers on the table for the kids parties. I found this great Ball jar at our local flea market for $5 and could not pass it up.

I thought the white hydrangeas would go perfectly for our Fourth of July theme.

We made a special red, white and blue drink for the kiddos.

Here is a look at the outside of the fireworks cake.

This was the inside.

We sent off the sky lanterns again.

Watched fireworks from the dock.

Gave away treat bags.
There were sparklers!

And Ring Pops.

 On the 4th we did a little tubing.

We had some very happy boys.

 Rocky even enjoyed his first boat ride!.


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